Saturday, 26 November 2011

Time and the Way We Travel

I'm going to be doing The Sketchbook Project!  (Thanks to a certain person for telling me about it!) I got my sketchbook in the post this week all the way from Brooklyn!  I know, I know - this whole project thing sounds a bit gimmicky.  Sometimes in life you just need a bit of gimmicky.  Paying 20 quid for a substandard sketchbook is a fair bit, but I think it'll be a motivating factor in making me fill it up!  I need to have it done by April next year so pleeeeenty of time, right? I chose 'time and the way we travel' for my theme - which really does seem quite apt as in the next year I'm going to be doing a fair bit of travelling, and, oh yeah, I'm going to move country for a year.  But more on that later! Just focussing on getting the next few weeks out of the way first.  Anyone else out there doing the project??
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