Friday, 29 July 2011

Big Old Birthdays...

Turns out my mum's next birthday is her 60th and my dad's next birthday is his 70th - so I've gotta get working on some big presents!!!!!!!  Started on a little something for my mum as hers is coming up first... Only got a sneak peak as I'm pretty sure she's one of maybe three people that read my blog hahaaa :)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Beni Baby!

Spent the last week or so travelling with the Girl on the Pink Bike and friends.  Headed to the Benicassim festival and then onto Valencia too.  I'm not really sure if these pictures will make much sense to the big world out there, but to me these pretty much sum up the trip and most of the weird stuff that happened to us!

Stayed in a beautiful apartment with an amazing view.

Spent most of the daytime doing nothing. 
By which I mean drinking, eating, beaching and generally lazing about.  

And at night time the craziness started!

Experimented with ways of sneaking cold alcohol into the festival, and found out just how wasted some of the people were when we got there. 

Nice bit of drawing by the Schmanderson.  Plan B were amazing.

Festival security...


Brits abroad definitely know how to complain when a bus gets lost.
Unfortunately, they don't know how to complain in a way that gets results...

I loved the festival atmosphere, bubbles every night.

Cooking code-words. The Girl on the Pink Bike has mad cooking skills.

This seemed to be a catchphrase for the trip.  Kieran has mad disappearing skills.

Eventful bus ride home, we sure know how to make friends. (Get a beard!!) 

The Girl on the Pink Bike and I discovered that we are some sort of delicacy to mosquitoes... argh still itchy!

Pants optional:

One guy using his life guard shirt to maximum effect.

And then back to Valencia for me while everyone else moved on.  Stayed to do some drawing, discovered that if you sit in the same place for more than 20 minutes, Spanish men will talk to you.  

This particular Spanish man being one of the many.  No me gusta!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Going awaaaay!

Going off on my holidays! Rocking it up in Benicassim with some good friends.  See you in 10 days when I should have some more airport drawings (which pop up here every six months or so haha!) pub drawings and hopefully some Something Else drawings too! I'm so excited! No idea what I'm going to be doing for the next few days and I can't wait to find out!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Holes Sketchbook 2005

Tidying up my stuff, I found a sketchbook from 2005! I forgot just how awesome it is.  I made it all in one night listening to late night XFM and thinking about space... aah those were the days... 

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