A project titled 'Food for Thought', I made these images following interviews with chefs in my local restaurants about the links they had between food and childhood memories.

"Making this banana bread was always fun
because it brought your friends over to your house,
even if it was just to eat some sweets
and quote that famous line from Apu in The Simpsons,
'Oh halleluja! Our problems are solved. We have banana bread.'"
"My Granny used to make a marble cake every Christmas for my Dad,
and since she died we make it every year to remember her."
"Jelly and ice cream take me right back to my childhood,
to a time of fun, fun fairs and innocence."
"Weetabix with hot milk reminds me of when I wass younger, getting ready for school,
watching cartoons on the telly while my mum made me breakfast."
"When I was a little girl, my mum would make us drop scones and jam
using the strawberries we had picked from over the hill."
"Lasagne makes me happy because it's pasta!
Everytime I make it it reminds me of home in Italy."